Nikon-Rumor mills from around the web

Bits and pieces of Nikon rumors from around the web:

“More fast wide angle prime lenses are definitely in the pipeline, but I can’t say more than that.” (from Oct 29, 2009, 09:53 am).

If you read his first comment on this thread, Mr. Vener had the opportunity to shoot with the Nikon D3s almost right after it was released, so I would assume that he does have some insider information.

– D500 (DX)

– D800 (not D700x) with 18MP (not 24MP)

– A new wide angle prime lens

– A new mid range zoom lens with VR

– A super tele zoom lens with VR (all lenses expected by February, 2010 – for details see older post)

This is pretty much nothing new (it seems that we now have a rumor consensus for all those lenses), except the 18MP sensor. Two weeks ago I received a tip that Nikon has been actively working on a 16MP full frame sensor – maybe they redesigned the 16MP chip and turned in into a 18MP?

f = 35.863, FNO = 1.45 and the lens diagram:

Not clear yet if the rumored wide angle prime will be 24mm f/1.4, 35mm f/1.4 or maybe both?