Nikon Control Beta 1

Please note that this post is not about Nikon’s Camera Control Pro software, but rather for an app developed by a reader (to prevent confussions the name of the app will be changed soon).

First was the D700 video capture software, which revealed the existence of the Nikon SDK package, then was my “quest” for other interesting implementations and now I have something to show you:

“The result is an early version of Nikon Control. The application should work with any Nikon D3, D2, D700, D300 and D90 (I’ve tested it with my D90 and a friend did the same with his D300). When you connect your camera to your Mac the application will automatically detect the camera (if the model is supported) and display the most important settings in the bottom bar. In this version you can either capture a single picture by clicking the toolbar item or pressing the trigger on your camera. When you are using autofocus the camera might not be able to focus thus don’t take a picture. In addition you can do bracketing by selecting minimum and maximum shutter speeds. The application then will take a picture for all shutter speeds in the range.”

The main benefit? You can take more than 3 pictures in bracketing mode.

If you try out this software, please give you feedback to the author on the above link and remember that this is a beta version. Read the readme file on how to install. For Mac only. The app has also a built-in EXIF viewer.

Thanks Stefan!

Disclaimer: Please note that this software is not created by Nikon and it is probably a good idea for Stefan to change the name.