More info (rumors) on the Nikon D10 you can find here (photography bay) here (dpreview), here (wired) here (electronista). I still think that this move from Nikon is inevitable in the future, but it is still too early for it now. There is still a lot of money to be made with Nikon DX series. This will jeopardize their whole line of DX lenses – if a full frame D10 will cost $3000 this year, it will be $1000 in 3 years, especially after Canon jumps in the game. Do you want to buy a DX lens today that will last you 3 years before becoming obsolete? Not to mention the DX cameras – if Nikon D10 gets released, I will not update to anything else but full frame. Otherwise they squeeze another D300 from me before upgrading to full frame.